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About eleanor bick

Eleanor Bick is a german freelance Author and Illustrator. Born in 1996 in Hamburg, Germany,

she attended the graphic school Alsterdamm with 16 years and graduated as best of her class in

March 2016 with her own children's book. Eleanor has been attending conventions, selling posters

and postcards of her own illustrations.


In October 2017 she published her graduation project at Klaas Jarchow Media. Her first book

"Die geheime Welt der Gartendrachen" ("The secret world of gardendragons") has captured the

hearts of children, gardeners and parents, introducing them to an enchanted world where tiny

dragons camouflage themselves as flowers in their garden and are the secret protectors of bees.
2018 she published a book calendar for 2019, expanding on the world of gardendragons with new illustrations. 


Following her calendar, Eleanor Bick published a pocketbook in 2019 with poems

about the Gardendragons and seven native wild bee species with detailed illustrations.


2020 she published her first Novel, a story following the Adventures of the two young Gardendragons

Fio and Tika. The book was well received under book bloggers on Instagram, praising the writing style for seamlessly weaving in important environmental topics into a Character-driven story, easily understandable and enjoyable for both children and adults to read.


2022 she left the Klaas Jarchow Media Buchverlag. She has finished two new manuscripts, including an updated version of her first publication and is currently looking for a new publishing house with the primary focus on children's books. 



Published works:


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